SXSW 2023

Robots for Building in the Wild


Robots are performing difficult tasks in highly variable and unpredictable settings. From site surveying to building structures, robots are changing the course of construction and how we build. Robots come in all shapes, sizes and form factors — and each provide distinct advantages for applications in buildings and building design. We can now call on robots in construction to perform dull, dirty, and dangerous tasks, and to create new types of buildings and architectures never before possible using manual construction methods. This panel will highlight the benefits and challenges of developing, employing, operating and maintaining robots that build “in the wild.”

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  1. Every robot's form factor—its unique shape, size, and design— provides advantages (and shortcomings!) for building and construction
  2. Robots improve project efficiency by reducing costs, improving quality, and eliminating the need for humans to perform hazardous or strainful tasks
  3. Robots present new opportunities for architecture and building design—giving rise to machine-aesthetics never before possible in manual construction



Melodie Yashar, Director of Building Design & Performance, ICON

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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