SXSW 2023

STEAM & Self-Esteem: The "More Than" Campaign


Kids are facing huge issues like belonging, fear, call-out culture, cancel culture, fixed mindset vs growth mindset, etc. FIRST Robotics and its collaborators held 6-months of listening sessions with psychologists, activities programmers, parents, kids and other educator stakeholders to explore how adults can better help build the competencies and confidence that leads to higher self-esteem. The result? The national "MORE THAN" campaign leveraging insights and data that speak to the feelings that kids carry in relation to bias and social assumptions; and th role adults play in preparing young people for the future.

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  1. What issues impact our kids' esteem? How can we build on their strengths, and who are the key stakeholders who should be enlisted to help?
  2. What is the role of "belonging" - and how can non-profits use media to bring critical social issues to the foreground of culture and conversation
  3. How campaigns can utilize data-driven insights and engage in deep listening in creative development to unlock key truths & elicit emotional resonance



Elliot Kotek, Chief Creative, The Nation Of Artists

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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