SXSW 2023

Empowerment: We are ALL Futurists


We are sold possible futures by social media, influencers, experts, our families, authorities, and conspiracy theorists. How do we build literacies on possible futures to make major decisions? In an era of increased choice from digitalization, machine learning, augmentation, and platforms, some call our current state "organized immaturity," as more and more decisions are being taken out of our own hands by systems and "easy" processes. This session will be both a wake-up call for some and a call to others to build a more adventurous journey for new futures.

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  1. How algorithms, authority thought leaders, and social media are trying to change not just our choices but our perspectives on possible futures.
  2. How each of us in our organizations can be much more intentional about building choice on a regular basis and opening the spectrum of what is possible
  3. A call to action on how to set up your own organization and systems to engage in broader possible futures.



Gigi Johnson, Managing Partner, Maremel Institute

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: 2050
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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