XR, AI, & the Future of Language Revitalization
Today, over 3000 languages are in danger of becoming extinct. Their loss would be profound: entire world-views are encoded into the nuances of language: their wisdom and perspectives can provide important perspectives for understanding our shared humanity. This panel explores cutting-edge technologies by Native American technologists and linguistics experts using AI and XR to create contextualized, place-based, immersive linguistic soundscapes and visual environments available worldwide.
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Other Resources / Information
- Learn how artificial intelligence, immersive realities and other emerging technologies benefit from the Inclusion of diverse voices and world-views.
- Try hands-on prototypes of place-based, mobile-first AI and XR indigenous language experiences to try in the context of the Panel discussion.
- What happens after a language no longer has speakers? Learn about Native-led strategies to resurrect lost languages for all cultures.
- Catherine Eng, Chief Technology Officer, OurWorlds, Inc.
- Michael RunningWolf, Clinical Instructor, Northeastern University
- Stanley Rodriguez, Director, Professor, Kumeyaay Community College
Catherine Eng, CTO, Our Worlds, Inc.
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