SXSW 2023

How We (the People) Can Be Bigger Than Big Tech


Civil society leaders have struggled to understand the power that open Internet protocols have in enabling a fairer and more open digital future. As big tech continues to enclose our digital selves in high walls and capture our personal data for their commercial goals, it is crucial that civil society, together with the bigger business and tech community, forms an effective strategy against digital colonization by leveraging the emerging open standards for digital identity and personal data. These standards have enormous potential to support new digital public good via an identity layer of the Internet. Kaliya will outline some of the key digital ID standards, share real world implementations and explain how they can be used strategically and collectively to be “Bigger” than Big Tech.

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  1. Understanding the power of open standards historically for shaping reality and the potential to use them to shape the digital future.
  2. The importance of digital identity standards specifically decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials for reclaiming civil society power.
  3. The need for getting digital identity standards right for the provision of digital public goods serving humanity.



Kaliya Young, Super Hero, Identity Woman

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Civic Engagement
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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