Bring Your Subject into the Data Age


Heard of the hooplah for data science? We have you covered. This interactive workshop will preview lesson plans and ideas for how to integrate modern data science thinking and methods into your school subject. Whether it be math, science, social studies, etc., we will showcase examples of successful integration, and demo our approach for helping students build their data literacy and sense-making. Data science should be for everyone - teaching it across subjects is how we can get there.

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  1. Gain an introduction to data science techniques, methods, and learning.
  2. Gain new ideas for subject-relevant integration of data science.
  3. Gain accessible and actionable lesson-plans for your classroom, school, or district.



Zarek Drozda, Director, Data Science 4 Everyone

Meta Information:

  • Tags: data, instruction
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Practice & Pedagogy
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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