Can AI Be Trusted?


Since the artificial intelligence (AI) field was born, we have often looked at AI through the lens of its utility: Does it accomplish its task...or not? That paradigm is shifting as AI matures and its influence penetrates all aspects of our lives and work. To be sure, discussions over the ethics of AI are not new, but even after so much debate, we do not appear to be much closer to balancing the risks and rewards of AI for everyone. Why is this such a challenge?

Related Media


  1. Why the discussions focused on AI ethics are often too high-level and ill-defined. How do we reshape the conversation?
  2. Is there a one-stop solution to address and mitigate risk while underpinning trust and ethics in AI?
  3. What actions will lead us toward ensuring AI is not just powerful but also trustworthy?


  • Beena Ammanath, Global Head of Deloitte AI Institute, Deloitte


Kelcey Strong, Marketing And Events, Deloitte

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