SXSW 2023

Making Music in Mixed Realities


Innovations like smartphones, digital tools, and online marketplaces have transformed music making and lowered the barrier to becoming a creator. When musical instruments are virtual, what new frontiers of creativity, learning and collaboration will be unlocked? Find out from innovators working in Mixed Realities as artists, inventors, researchers, and entrepreneurs.

Mixed Reality, a spectrum of experiences that combine virtual and physical elements, has huge potential for professional musicians and beginners alike to create and perform music in ways that were previously unimaginable. This session explores what’s happening now and what the future holds for making music in mixed realities.

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  1. How it feels (and sounds and looks) to make music in mixed reality
  2. Why mixed reality has the potential to open access to musical creativity to a wider audience
  3. What special factors AR/VR/XR developers need to know to foster musical creation



Eleanor Rust, Marketing Director, rock paper scissors, inc.

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Future of Music
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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