SXSW 2023

Can Web3 Eliminate The “Starving Artist” Forever?


Web3 holds the promise of ushering us into a new internet era -- one of democratized ownership. Web1 broke down the walls of centralized distribution and allowed creators to bring their content to the masses. Web2 gave rise to e-commerce and crowdfunding, enabling creators to monetize their fanbase directly. Web3 could be the ownership revolution that eliminates “starving artist” from our culture’s vocabulary, allowing all creators to earn a livable wage and share profits with their fans.

What must happen in order for this revolution to take place? Will the environmental impact of proof-of-work protocols kill it before it matures? Will the complexities of wallets and tokens stifle mass adoption? Who is solving these problems, and what can we do to ensure Web3 delivers on its promise?

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  1. A complete understanding of why Web3 and the ownership economy can transform what it means to earn a living as a creator.
  2. A deeper knowledge of how blockchain technology is evolving to mitigate and even eliminate its impact on our environment.
  3. How blockchain companies are making the magic of Web3 disappear behind the scenes to enable mass adoption.



Marshall Seese, Jr., Chief Strategy Officer, Block Studios

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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