SXSW 2023

Renewable NFTs: Verifiable, Opaque, and Granular


The Crypto Climate Accord is proof that sustainability has become a concern for blockchain networks. However, these concerns can be addressed with the same web3 tools that they enable. In this talk, Filecoin Green’s Alan Ransil will share all the ways in which NFTs can be a tool to measure and encourage the use of renewable energy sources across the space, from verifiability to enabling more granular approaches in the reduction of carbon emissions.

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  1. The solution to web3 infrastructure’s energy consumption is web3.
  2. NFTs bring verifiability and granularity to energy measurement.
  3. There’s room for ongoing experimentation with incentives for green energy consumption.



Leslie Termuhlen, PR Manager, Serotonin

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Climate Change
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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