SXSW 2023

Dual-Use Technology as National Security


There has never been a better time to invest in the next wave of American-focused technology innovation. For decades, the US Government has funded research that led to the development of technology like the Internet, GPS, and cellular communications. To compete globally and defend domestically, future generations require the same public investment, private partnerships, and collective tolerance for risk. This requires backing companies working on meaningful problems related to sustainability, advanced energy, manufacturing, and other sectors that serve the national interest. When you invest in dual-use technology, you accelerate national security, help build America’s technical workforce, and fund ideas that breed prosperity and peace of mind.

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  1. What role has the US government played historically in funding and driving technology innovation?
  2. How can dual-use companies can help propel humanity forward to face the most difficult geopolitical and social challenges of the next decade?
  3. How are veteran-led companies and veteran investment managers best suited to adjust for the steep risk curves of frontier technology?



Stephen DiBartolomeo, Principal, Scout Ventures

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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