SXSW 2023

Accessibility: The Wake Up Call


Accessibility has never been the new, sexy, sleek tech to adopt. So how do you get everyone to buy into digital inclusion? Demos! Come see an accessibility demo. Understand the epiphany thousands of people around the US have been experiencing with our accessibility activation. See an individual with a disability show you live if they can or cannot get around on a website. Experience an "Aha" moment when you realize how a website built with little thought for accessibility affects a real user. We will provide you with basic tools to test and demonstrate accessibility on your own site. Learn why you should pitch accessibility to your colleagues and exactly how to give them their own "aha" moment and to wake-up accessibility!

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Through live demos, see firsthand why web accessibility is critical in our uber-connected, virtual meeting filled world.
  2. Open your eyes to the world of assistive technology and alternative ways of interacting with the web.
  3. Understand the basics of web accessibility and how to make your content more accessible to all.


  • Becky Gibson, Lead Product Manger, Accessibility, UKG
  • Anthony Vasquez, Communications Specialist,


Becky Gibson, Lead Product Manger, Accessibility, UKG

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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