SXSW 2023

The My Favorite Failure Project


Failure is part of learning and life. And we often hear encouraging slogans about failure, such as “Fail Fast,” “Fail Forward,” and “Face Failure with Grit.” The problem with these slogans is they fall flat when we feel the full-bodied and emotionally intense experience of failure. It is no surprise that most of us want to avoid and forget our failures. In this panel session we offer a new take on failure. Drawing from a curated collection of favorite failures, we describe how sharing stories of favorite failures at the outset of design can help us anticipate and productively work through setbacks. We will also highlight key insights from the collection of stories and share a framework to support you in taking the beautiful risk of encouraging and sharing your own favorite failures.

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  1. A deeper understanding of the facets of one's own failures
  2. How to cultivate innovation and risk taking by teaching failure
  3. Tools and techniques to teach risk taking and creativity.



Ron Beghetto, Pinnacle West Presidential Chair And Professor, Arizona State University Arts Media and Engineering

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Design
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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