SXSW 2023
The standard for professionalism has been dictated by a singular perspective for decades, so it’s no surprise that agencies and brands alike are struggling to evolve the corporate culture to suit a more diverse, inclusive workforce. Join us as we discuss where companies are falling short on their DEI promises and how we can rebuild the workplace of the future.
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Other Resources / Information
- Where are agencies and brands falling short on their DEI promises and why?
- What tangible actions can brands and agencies take to attract more diverse talent and create an environment or empowerment?
- How does Gen-Z fit into the workplace of the future– should companies meet their new-age demands or vice versa?
- Arturo Gutierrez, SVP, Executive Strategy Director, Codeword
- Renée Miller, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Code and Theory
- Ian Solano, Account Executive, Codeword
Arturo Gutierrez, Svp, Executive Strategy Director, Codeword
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