SXSW 2023

Electric Trucks: The Future of Transportation


They are so taken for granted most people don’t notice them in everyday life. Yet, if they’d disappear tomorrow, our world wouldn't be the same. Millions of trucks are on the road day and night to make modern life as we know it possible. While trucks are still often considered rugged, dirty machines, what's inside them is actually high tech. This is all the more true as electrification continues to advance. As transportation pioneer, we at Daimler Truck North America are at the forefront of bringing all-electric trucks to the roads. Andreas Juretzka, eMobility Product Development Lead, will reveal the role transportation plays in our lives, how a wild idea turned into a battery-electric heavy-duty truck, and what the journey into the future of electric transportation will look like.

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  1. Without the global transportation network our modern society would not be able to exist.
  2. A truck is not a mundane machine, but a highly complex product that can only be developed with teamwork and genuine passion.
  3. Electrification is the future of transportation.



Elvina Wolf, Senior Communication Specialist, Daimler Trucks North America

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Transportation
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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