Using Tech to Power Global Experiences for All


How do you empower students—regardless of their identity group—to participate in international education? For an Education Abroad office at one of the nation’s largest universities it included assessing how its software system was excluding students. In this interactive workshop, learn how to evaluate your software system, attract diverse travelers (from first-generation to LGBTQ+ students), create a DEI-centered change management plan, and leverage tech for systemic change.

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  1. Examine current goals and initiatives through the lens of DEI
  2. Assess institutional culture and its effect on DEI initiatives both within and without their office(s)/institution
  3. Integrate principles of change management into a DEI-focused change management plan for further development and implementation at their institution



Mara Ohorodnik, Marketing Manager, Via TRM

Meta Information:

  • Tags: diversity & inclusion, edtech
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Emerging Tech
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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