SXSW 2023

Cannabis 2.0: Insights for the Next Green Wave


If Cannabis 1.0 was about introducing cannabis to legal markets, Cannabis 2.0 is about making cannabis accessible to the masses. From varying state brands to multi-state operators and a wide range of cannabis consumer demographics. Everything we know about cannabis is going to continue to evolve, so how can brands prepare for the next iteration. In this panel, we’ll look at use cases from Cannabis 1.0 consumers and brands, and contrast those against the needs and desires of the next generation of cannabis consumers coming online. By looking at market data, evolving consumer expectations, and lessons learned, this panel will explore how the cannabis industry can continue to destigmatize cannabis use and pave a pathway toward legalization and mass adoption.

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  1. Get a 360 view of the cannabis market as it currently stands, and projections of where the industry is going.
  2. Identify the Cannabis 2.0 consumers, and how to speak to them.
  3. Why Cannabis 2.0 is needed for mass adoption and how that will affect legalization efforts.



Lisa Buffo, Founder & CEO, Cannabis Marketing Association

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Cannabis
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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