Authorizing: A Radical Idea Thirty Years Out


Thirty years ago, a radical idea took root that you’ve likely given little thought. While charter schools have transformed the education landscape, the underlying idea is even more revolutionary. Authorizing, the principle of autonomy over operations in exchange for accountability for outcomes, is a powerful lever for driving educational innovation while protecting the public interest. This session will dive deep into the principles of authorizing and what it can say for education at large.

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  1. Understand how remarkable an idea authorizing, exchanging autonomy for accountability, has been in the education space.
  2. Identify opportunities for authorizing principles to apply to and improve other areas of the education sector.
  3. Challenge the notion that educational innovation cannot occur within the existing public education framework.



Jason Zwara, Director, Strategic Partnerships, National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA)

Meta Information:

  • Tags: leadership, school design
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Podcast
  • Track: Policy & Civic Engagement
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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