SXSW 2023

Scoopin' Cream to Livin' the Entrepreneur's Dream


Dylan Lemay worked as a server at Cold Stone for nearly a decade before sharing his ice cream creations with the world. 14 million social followers later, he raised $2.3M to open his own shop in NYC while launching a national virtual kitchen brand. Many startups fail when it comes to the amount of marketing they have to spend to acquire new customers. Traditionally, it’s been business-minded entrepreneurs, not creatives, who launch new concepts and products. But who understands product market fit better than someone who is creating content around that particular topic every single day, engaging with and receiving feedback from thousands — if not millions — of theoretical customers around that content, right? Creative Content Creators like Dylan are changing the game of entrepreneurship.

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  1. As opposed to traditional founders, content creators are uniquely positioned to gauge opportunities & product-market fit within their respective niche
  2. Operational leadership is required to help creators see through their visions and develop scalable real world businesses related to their content
  3. Experiential brands with authentic connections to community will drive future growth in brick and both mortar retail and consumer product goods



chris camillo, Investor / Youtuber, DumbMoney

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Startups
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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