SXSW 2023

The New Narrative on Women's Health & Pleasure


This curated panel features first-of-its-kind industry trailblazers in health, sex, pleasure, power, policy and cultural folklore to rewrite the narrative on women’s health and pleasure. As four women-founded companies who are changing the face of modern womanhood, and infiltrating systems that don’t serve us, it felt fitting to come together to tell new stories, shaping our beliefs, in order to influence our actions, and ultimately give us the ability to change the systems that run our lives. In this conversation, we seek to educate, in-power, dispel myths, get real about our own health experiences, share ah-ha moments, and, of course, have a little fun along the way.

This panel is created for and by women, as well as anyone who has a shared interest in women's health. So, everyone.

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  1. The Problem: Women’s health is complex, nuanced, undervalued & misunderstood - even by women themselves. Each of these companies is proof.
  2. Ah-Ha: This is the 8th-grade health class we should be teaching. This panel will educate, remove shame, & bring formerly taboo topics into the light.
  3. Now: New opportunities, care options, and understanding of women’s health exist. Spread the word to increase awareness, solutions & accessibility.



Kacie Lett Gordon, Co-Founder, IT ALL Media

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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