Right Sizing the University
Higher ed institutions continue to face headwinds due to enrollment declines, so limited resources must be deployed intentionally. The solution is to “right size” the different components of the institution to adapt to a constantly changing landscape. This takes the shape of things such as converting computer labs into esports arenas, integrating chatbots, and the metaverse. The result is that increasingly hybrid students are digitally engaged while optimizing the expertise of faculty and staff.
Related Media
- Understand why institutions need to “right size” in the current higher ed climate
- Learn about strategies institutions can use to increase their financial sustainability.
- Explore ideas about how to increase student engagement and satisfaction through efficient use of resources.
- Dustin Ramsdell, Content Creator, Higher Ed Geek
- Kelvin Bentley, Senior Consultant, WGU Labs
- Ciara Hamagishi, Partnership Manager, Unity Technologies
- Matthew Tower, Principal, Workshop Venture Partners
Dustin Ramsdell, Content Creator, Higher Ed Geek
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