SXSW 2023

Future of Healthcare: Food, Microbes & Bioactives


At the nexus between food, healthcare, and technology, there is an emerging opportunity to improve human health. New AI-based discovery platforms are exploring the “dark matter of plants” to identify pharmaceutically-relevant bioactive compounds that can have a powerful impact on our health outcomes. Companies are working on new solutions that incorporate better nutrition within healthcare and food-based solutions for disease management and treatment. A growing number of clinical trials are underway to examine the impact of these new innovations to mitigate or reduce the risk of chronic diseases and cancer. Discover the potential for dietary changes and new food-based solutions to transform the healthcare industry and forever alter the way we manage our health and treat disease.

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  1. New technologies are uncovering previously unknown natural compounds in plants that have powerful effects on human health.
  2. Food has the potential to offer new, science-backed solutions to chronic disease and cancer.
  3. The food and healthcare industries can work together to scale these new solutions to build a healthier future for everyone.



Tonya Bakritzes, Managing Director, Marketing, S2G Ventures

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Food
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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