Reengineering School Assessment & Accountability


Our students and schools are more than one standardized test administered on one day. Yet, the STAAR Test is what Texas schools and students are assessed on most heavily. A 2021-2022 survey of more than 15,600 Texans show that educators, parents, community leaders, and students believe in accountability, but want more out of the current A-F system for our schools. It's time to rethink our accountability system. It’s time to Measure What Matters.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Results from a statewide survey of more than 15,600 Texans regarding their opinions on Assessment and Accountability
  2. An overview of what the federal government requires in terms of the number tests and how Texas currently calculates A-F ratings.
  3. What assessment and accountability policy recommendations are being discussed in the Texas 88th SessionY



Amelia Folkes, Director Of Public Relations, Raise Your Hand Texas

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