SXSW 2023

Streaming Was Not Disruptive: Music Creation Is!


If you thought the move to digital music listening was disruptive, prepare for a tsunami that will change everything we know about the industry. Just as Instagram obliterated photography as we knew it, and YouTube and TikTok became the biggest moving picture competitors for Netflix, a wave of sonic creation tools and music makers will consume all of our music engagement. You will be spending more time listening to music made by friends than by established artists--and making a lot more music yourself. Learn what technology is spreading musical creativity. Understand how these music-making adaptations will change the role music plays in your life. What will be the commercial impact of this new breed of creators? Find out how this will change your position in the industry.

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  1. Identify the most disruptive force in the music industry this decade.
  2. Learn how to adapt your role in the music industry to adapt to this change.
  3. Find out who the early movers are in this shift.



Dmitri Vietze, Founder & CEO, Rock Paper Scissors

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Future of Music
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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