Narrative-Building 101: Utopia vs. Dystopia


The future seems to be determined by necessities, which force us to react rather than act – stripping away our agency. Literary research as well as case studies in history, economics, and communication show that utopian and dystopian visions are important tools in escaping the trap of the present to build a different future. We discuss the strategic role "black hole" narratives and plausible fictions play as futuring tools for change management and crisis communications.

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  1. The future's a space of possibility. Its terrain can be mapped, not just with quantitative projections, but with narratives that shape human behavior.
  2. Literary, historical and economic research shows utopian and dystopian visions are key in creating a future that breaks from the present.
  3. Using our framework and a few vivid cases, we'll show you how to craft a future narrative for organizations, startups, or any transformative movement.



Jens Hoffmann, President & Managing Director, fischerAppelt, Inc.

Meta Information:

  • Tags: creativity, storytelling
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Arts & Storytelling
  • Session Focus Area Continuing Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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