SXSW 2023

Lessons from Africa for a Clean Energy Future


Geopolitical volatility is disrupting the clean energy transition in the world’s richest countries, putting gas supplies at risk and raising fears about nuclear security. Simultaneously, the transition in Africa has long faced its own challenges including profound economic and infrastructure limitations and a critical need to provide electricity access to 600 million + Africans who lack it.

In these times of global turmoil, what can the world’s top economies learn from the tech, innovation, grit and problem solving that’s driving Africa’s clean energy future? Why is Africa’s future on track to feature minimal pumped gas, nuclear and electricity pylons? How is energy poverty being tackled from the bottom up, working towards a clean, resilient and agile sustainable energy system?

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  1. Young people, entrepreneurs & innovators are busily creating Africa’s clean energy future from the bottom up, not waiting for slow top-down solutions.
  2. We’re addressing energy poverty at the grassroots, enabled by tech, big data, web3, communities, a “can-do” attitude, grit and unwavering optimism.
  3. Our clean energy innovations work! They’re decentralised, resilient, affordable, fundable, and truly democratic.



Salomé Bronkhorst, Communications, Sun Exchange

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Energy
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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