SXSW 2023
Is Lack of Data Fueling the Mental Health Crisis?
It’s no secret that the US mental health system is broken, largely due to the major flaws in care delivery as it exists today. Mental health professionals evaluate patients the same way they did 100 years ago - by trial and error rather than data. 80% of mental health professionals do not measure outcomes at all. The current status quo is unacceptable. What is to be done? Luckily the use of data can advance this field from its current trial and error approach to an evidence-based, outcomes-driven approach, customized for each patient. This panel will discuss how precision psychiatry can and will reset standards of care in the mental health industry and solve the current mental health crisis, while also providing a personalized experience for the patient.
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Other Resources / Information
- Precision psychiatry is here. Understand how we can standardize and measure which treatments are most effective for which types of patients.
- How can we use data to revamp standards of care and develop new treatments for care?
- Reimagine a world where data science allows us to provide care at scale, treating millions who have historically been shut out of the system.
- David Mou, CEO, Cerebral
Emelia Altschul, Director Of Marketing, Cerebral
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