SXSW 2023

CreatorVerse: The Next Frontier of Tech Teams


‘Creators’ are known to revolutionize the way we do things, disrupt industries, and push boundaries. When we think of technologists, it’s black and white, numbers and code; it’s people who work alone. That’s no longer true. Enter: The CreatorVerse, a cultural shift in workplace tech that recognizes and celebrates the work technologists do and the impact they make. It’s a way to empower tech teams to not just be order takers, but to be the creators, ideators, and drivers behind the innovation and enhancement of a business by giving them more responsibility, space, and autonomy to build tech in-house instead of buying it elsewhere. Creation is the intersection of Mission, Technology and Imagination.

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  1. The CreatorVerse is the intersection of Mission, Technology and Imagination.
  2. IT departments deserve a name change. A new descriptor, ‘Business Technology’, reshapes how employees/employers see the value tech brings to an org.
  3. Your technology advances your business and that can be amplified when you give people the opportunity to build those products instead of outsourcing.



Chellsy Costello, Senior Communications Specialist, Power Home Remodeling

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Workplace Revolution
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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