SXSW 2023

The Startup Playbook: $1M to $10M ARR in 2 Years


Holding the 19th spot on Inc. 5000’s list of fastest-growing private companies, Linksquares quickly scaled from $1M to $10M ARR in just two years. While rapid growth is a goal for most startups, it can also result in failure if not navigated properly. In this session, Vishal Sunak, who co-founded the company and has been CEO since its inception, shares the founder’s perspective of quickly scaling the company from $1M to $10M in ARR. He’ll give actionable takeaways to other founders/executives on successfully navigating rapid growth and the metrics (and milestones) that matter most when quickly scaling operations. Come hear all of the challenges, lessons, triumphs, and failures along the journey to $10M ARR.

Other Resources / Information


  1. How did we know it was working? Learn what evidence to track in the early days to know if you have initial traction and then beyond to $10M ARR
  2. Setting quota, modeling Per Rep Productivity (PRP), and thinking about funnel/conversion rates – and how to do it efficiently with great metrics
  3. What metrics matter? How to prioritize the things that really matter as a leader in the company, operating with high conviction and making bets



Rachael Fisher, Senior Associate, cred

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Startups
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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