SXSW 2023

The World's Best AI Pilot for the DoD & Beyond


A session on Shield AI's work at the intersection of AI, autonomy and aerospace engineering, resulting in the development and delivery of the world's best AI pilot for the DoD and beyond. We started this company by asking "what does the military of 2030 look like?" The answer for that was "ubiquitous AI and autonomy," or AI pilots for every military asset. We started with a problem our cofounder and former Navy SEAL was familiar with, which was clearing buildings in combat with quadcopters. Our goal has never been to just build quadcopters. From here, we are working with larger defense companies and the government to integrate our AI and autonomy software stack on aircraft of every size, to include our own aircraft, V-BAT: the most tactical, logistically simple VTOL aircraft in the world.

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  1. Look no further than the new Top Gun movie: AI pilots for the DoD are the most important and disruptive defense technology of the next thirty years.
  2. The DoD needs AI to tackle problems humans cannot take on alone. It is simply another advancement in tech, just like the invention of the computer.
  3. The auto industry was disrupted by self driving tech and electric cars. Defense industry is being disrupted by self-driving tech and autonomy.


  • Brandon Tseng, President, Co-Founder, Shield AI


Lily Hinz, Head of Communications, Shield AI

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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