SXSW 2022

The Impact of AI Bias on the Future of Work


How can software developers, companies or governments make sure AI is not biased, bigoted, ageist, racist and sexist? Human beings are not free of biases and any algorithms we create will ultimately learn from the data that is provided to them, amplifying our flaws and biases with the magnitude of AI’s computational powers.

In this panel, we’ll examine the real-world economic implications and outcomes of bias in AI. We will discuss how to design a human-centered, ethical framework around AI to ensure that it’s fair and free of bias.

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  1. Gain deeper understanding of how bias in AI has formed, its real-world implications, and its lasting impact on the future of work and society.
  2. The importance of human-centered design at the inception: what can be done to make AI a positive force for advancing gender & racial parity.
  3. Real-world examples from leading global brands about designing an AI, data and analytics strategy that accelerates positive change in the future.



Neely Bankston, Communications, McKinsey & Company

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2 2050
  • Level: Intermediate

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