SXSW 2022

Fair Compensation for Creators in the Music Biz


The fractured market of today’s music industry makes it difficult for artists to understand what constitutes “fair compensation” in the music industry. The panel discusses better practices to implement fair compensation, and how the music industry can adapt to putting the creator first. A commitment to transparency along with timely, efficient payment to artists is critical for artists to achieve a sustainable career. Other technologies are being developed to help combat payola and “black box” algorithms in an equitable, meritocratic manner. Considering the growing debate about recognizing the value of music that came from the streaming phenomenon, consumers and businesses are calling for new business models that are more respectful of the artists.

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  1. We need to have a real talk about what we define "fair" compensation as in the music industry
  2. Technology & tools should be designed for the meritocracy of music
  3. Specific, concrete changes are leading to a more sustainable independent artist economy



Leila Grossman, Publicist, Rock Paper Scissors

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Future of Music
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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