SXSW 2022

A Novel Proposal: CellAg + BugAg to Feed the World


With the need to feed more people with fewer resources quickly becoming a defining issue of this century, solutions for alternative proteins range from the ancient, like insects, to the futuristic, like cellular agriculture. But what if we could get the best of both worlds?

Join a researcher, entrepreneur and investor to explore the intersection of insect agriculture and cellular agriculture, and how these two unique forms of protein production can benefit from cross-pollination. By looking at this issue, how to grow food that is good or our bodies, ethical and resource efficient, from the perspective of how solutions and innovations intersect with each other, this panel will change hearts, minds and maybe even stomachs, as we think about the way we feed ourselves in the coming decades.

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  1. Instead of viewing cellular agriculture and insect agriculture as competing, these panelists will unpack how these solutions can build on each other.
  2. In CellAg, we domesticate cells, not animals. Insect cells are easier & cheaper to grow than livestock cells, to be cultivated for meat alternatives.
  3. The intersection of insect agriculture and cellular agriculture can be an example of technologies building on each other for an even greater impact.



Robert Nathan Allen, Executive Director, Little Herds

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: 2050
  • Track 2 Culture
  • Level: Intermediate

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