SXSW 2022

Fashion’s New Frontier: The Metaverse


As digital and physical worlds continue to intertwine, consumers are showing more interest in virtual fashion than physical, as seen with recent fashion experiences from top brands experimenting with Metaverse platforms like Roblox. The growing importance of online identity, new tech like layered virtual clothing, and the explosive growth of virtual fashion economies offer massive opportunities for brands and designers to push the boundaries of their creativity. In the Metaverse, they can test new products, move towards their sustainability goals and reach global audiences within days. Hear from top Metaverse, brand and fashion experts about how they are leveraging the power of digital experiences, and creating opportunities for self-expression through virtual fashion.

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  1. The Metaverse offers endless possibilities for fashion brands to push the boundaries of creativity and reach new audiences.
  2. Digital fashion is becoming a key avenue for individuals to express themselves through their online identity.
  3. Recent fashion and brand initiatives to offer shared experiences in the Metaverse point to trends we expect to see in the months and years to come.



Irina Efremova, Director of Corporate Communications, ROBLOX

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2 Game Industry
  • Level: Intermediate

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