SXSW 2022

Intercultural Creativity™: The Ace Up Your Sleeve



Everybody wants it but most people don’t know how to truly achieve it. Innovation rests on creativity and creativity rests on the ability to see things from multiple perspectives, dismantling bias, having a curious open mind and building a culture of inclusion and belonging.

We are now a global workforce causing many cultures to interconnect and produce innovative ideas.

Collaborative intercultural creativity is now the ‘new normal’.

Genein’s session helps your attendees develop intercultural competency with creativity to build an inclusive environment for the health of all team members.

This post pandemic topic is critical for the creative advancement of any organization. Lots of laughs, stories and memorable points that will ignite your attendees to thrive.

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  1. culture and creativity are connected
  2. to analyze their own cultural behaviors and become aware and beneficially responsive to others
  3. to advance their intercultural competence for success in a global market



Genein Letford, Chief Creative Officer, CAFFE Strategies

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2 Startups
  • Level: Beginner

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