SXSW 2022
A&R in the Post-COVID Era
Live performance and traditional artist promotion ground to halt during the pandemic, but consumers continued to discover and listen to new music, relying even more than before on social influence and their friends for inspiration. Music never stopped developing, new artists never stopped appearing. Explore this topic with music business executives who love walking on the cutting edge of tech and music.
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Other Resources / Information
- How does the industry adapt to consumer & algorithmic trends, staying ahead of the curve in discovering new talent and shaping tastes?
- What was the nature of A&R at the brink of COVID, and how has that changed in day to day operations?
- What data-driven methods of talent discovery has been effective, and where is it misleading?
- Chaz Jenkins, Chief Commercial Officer, Chartmetric
- Karl Fricker, Director and A&R Analytics, RCA
- Jamie Leeming, Digital Strategist, United Talent Agency
Chaz Jenkins, Chief Commercial Officer, ChartMetric
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