Cheating Academia: Spy Craft, Tech & Global Fraud


Cheating in academia and professional testing has become a highly-organized, profitable global enterprise. Cheating tactics include cold war spy craft such as camera rings and fake identities, but also the most advanced technologies such as custom designed software and NSA-worthy hardware auctioned off on the dark web. Experts in the battle against fraud explain modern tactics to fight the thieves and fraudsters.

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  1. Learn about the constant, sophisticated and lucrative efforts to steal, cheat or bypass America’s credentialing and degree-granting certifications.
  2. Meet the modern foreign agents tasked with catching test cheats - the people who try to steal tests, sell answers or hack test security systems.
  3. Test fraud is a billion dollar business. Learn how and why cheating America’s credentials is so valuable and how fragile the system really is.



Jennifer Harrison, CEO, Pando Public Relations

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