SXSW 2022

The Unlikely Competitive Edge: Privacy


Most marketers are either running scared or putting their heads in the sand when it comes to the Future of the Web. We’d be best served doing neither of these two things when it comes to the inevitable march to a privacy-focused web. Instead, rethink how you can turn privacy from a vulnerability into a competitive advantage.

The clock is ticking on cookies and tracking, let's not squander the opportunity. This talk walks brands, marketers & tech companies through how to get into offense mode & use the entire privacy scenario to collect truly robust first-party data, gain consumer trust, and grow their business. Because guess what? Creepy marketing doesn’t work. Respecting privacy & serving up personalized advertising at the right time & right does.

Related Media

Other Resources / Information


  1. Marketers bought some time with Google's reprieve. Don't squander it.
  2. Privacy can be brands’ and marketers’ secret weapon
  3. The future of the web: what’s on the horizon?


  • Nirish Parsad, Marketing Technologist, Tinuiti
  • Elizabeth Emery, Senior Director, Mobile + Ad Tech Solutions, Tinuiti


Betsy Watson, Communications Director, Tinuiti

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Advertising & Brand Experience
  • Track 2 Tech Industry
  • Level: Intermediate

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