SXSW 2022

The Time to Design Our Futures is Now


The crises we’re being faced with – the economy, epidemic, environment and inequality – needs solutions that look beyond our current horizons. How can we combine design and foresight to help navigate us through them and start planning for multiple possible, plausible, probable, and ultimately preferred futures?

Designers hold the key to building better, healthier, more purposeful and equal futures for all. This talk will explain how designers can take a leadership role in reimagining the future by applying design thinking and future casting with a human-first approach, and why right now is exactly the right time for designers to dive in and take charge.

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  1. How can designers take a leadership role by applying design thinking and future casting with a human-first approach
  2. How can design, which is inherently about invention and improvement, provide a roadmap for the future
  3. What's at risk if we – creatives and clients – don't act together to design better futures for all



Thomas Mueller, Global Design Lead, Fjord

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: 2050
  • Track 2 Design
  • Level: Intermediate

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