SXSW 2022

Femtech & The US Healthcare System: A Global Persp


The United States lags behind when it comes to outcomes for women’s health, from maternal mortality to basic preventative care. As femtech companies proliferate, the question of when and how startups can close the gaps left by a broken healthcare and insurance system remains.

This panel will bring together startup founders from both US-based and international femtech and healthtech startups to discuss how national healthcare systems impact their founding missions and goals. Do startups based outside the US, in countries with robust public health systems, have a greater vision for what health can look like? Or do US-based companies have the advantage, having firsthand experience with the holes that technology can fill.

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  1. How does a startup’s country of origin impact its overall mission? Are US-based and international startups inherently different in this way?
  2. Can tech companies fill the gaps left by the US healthcare system? Is it possible to approach healthcare through technology in a fair and equitable ma
  3. How does healthcare and healthtech regulation in the US limit or push innovation?



Tricia Mackey, Platform Operations, Samsung NEXT

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Health & MedTech
  • Track 2 Startups
  • Level: Beginner

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