Mobility for All: Indiana Achievement Wallet


By building an ecosystem of employers, educational providers, and service providers, the Indiana Achievement Wallet pilot encourages and supports frictionless, lifelong learning pathways for learner-workers in Indiana and beyond. This ecosystem will increase social and economic mobility for underrepresented populations across the state and will change the way education institutions and employers meaningfully value prior learning to create equitable pathways from experience to training to career.

Related Media


  1. Explore why skill-denominated achievements are the future and how a learner can assert their unique talent brand via a Learning & Employment Record
  2. Learn about how coalition building and cross sector collaboration can unlock innovation and benefit students and workers
  3. Learn what is happening in Indiana, and the potential it has to change the landscape of learning and work across all 50 states and beyond.



Mattie Jennings, Assoc Communications Rep, Western Governors University

Meta Information:

  • Tags: diversity & inclusion, edtech
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Podcast
  • Track: Work Reimagined
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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