SXSW 2022
The Rise of Headless Brands
Headless brands challenge the very idea that a brand is centralised, and our assumptions about what a brand is and how it works. Headless brands refer to community-driven brand dynamics, without a centralised managerial body. In this panel, we illustrate the various stages of a possible headless brand's life cycle; look at the wider context of evolving brand-consumer relationships; and explore how fandom, communities, cryptocurrencies, and decentralisation are transforming the very nature of what a brand can be.
Context: Central brand identities are being disrupted. Blockchain-based decentralised organisations incentivise users to spread their own personal brand narratives, with Bitcoin as the first headless brand.
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Other Resources / Information
- What are headless brands and how and how are they changing the brand-consumer relationship?
- What tech innovation and consumer behaviour trends are driving the headless brand revolution?
- How can any brands take advantage of these trends to remain future fit?
- Nathalie Brähler, Head of Marketing, Cartesi
- Christian Ward, Head of Multimedia, Stylus Innovation + Advisory
- Zoe Scaman, Founder, Bodacious
Nathalie Brähler, Head of Marketing, Cartesi
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