A Vision for Student Data Privacy in the Future


As technology advances, it’s crucial that school districts, vendors and others align on a vision for student data privacy. Data makes the most powerful technologies hum, and provide valuable insights to educators and school administrators so they can serve the unique needs of students and increase equity. But educators and parents need to trust that data is secure and not being misused. What are the principles of data privacy that should guide us in future?

Related Media


  1. Understand the challenges of designing data privacy policies and practices that work for all
  2. Hear from experts about the principles of data privacy that can guide future use of data-driven technologies
  3. Learn how experts envision data privacy working in the future



Tyler Reed, Sr Director, Communications, McGraw-Hill

Meta Information:

  • Tags: cybersecurity & privacy, data
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Emerging Tech
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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