SXSW 2022

Accelerating Research with new Technology & Orgs


You may have heard that science is slowing down, or leading to fewer breakthroughs per dollar spent, and yet it’s certainly not because we’ve figured out answers to most of the questions. Progress studies, Metascience, and “the Science of Science'' are all terms for the study of scientific progress, but the knowledge generated is too-slowly put into practice. We have the head of research at a start-up, the co-founder of an AI non-profit, cofounder of an incubator for new types of research organizations, and the head of a science-crowdfunding foundation, who are all looking at radical but complementary ways to improve or build new scientific infrastructure. We’ll talk about the bright future we see for improving science as a process.

Other Resources / Information


  1. What can extrapolating trends from blockchains, AI, and systems research predict about a better, more efficient future of research?
  2. What improvements to pace and novelty of scientific results can we expect with better institutions, processes, and tools for science?
  3. How can participants, consumers, or fans of science contribute to the improvement of science as a process?



Emily Vaughan, Head of Marketing Operations, Protocol Labs

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: 2050
  • Track 2 Tech Industry
  • Level: Intermediate

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