Every School Community Is Rich with Opportunity
Too often school partnerships focus on the school being a service provider for the surrounding community as opposed to a network hub. From opening up the school building to businesses and non-profits to move in, to creating internships and apprenticeships throughout a community, this panel will explore innovative ways that schools can map the assets their community has to offer and how to break down the metaphorical (and sometimes physical) walls between a school and its community.
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- Map the assets of a school community based on expertise, economic development, and educational opportunity
- Write school policy to navigate the complexities of exchanging public goods for opportunities between a public school and private business
- Develop a framework for student engagement through internships and apprenticeships that are student-led and centered on evidence of experience.
- Zach Varnell, Co-Director of Innovation, Elements of Education, Partner Schools
- Jaleesa Trapp, Research Assistant, Lifelong Kindergarten Group, Media Lab at MIT
Zach Varnell, Co-Director of Innovation, Elements of Education, Partner Schools
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