SXSW 2022

Who Do We Trust With Our Lives? Influence in 2022


Who do you picture when we talk about today’s biggest influencer? If you’ve pulled up a vision of TikTok stars or an A-List celebrity, you may want to think again. When it comes to critical health decisions, or in times of crises like we’ve experienced these last two years, Americans are increasingly placing their trust in a different kind of influencer. Whether they’re leaders in faith, local business, or healthcare, they have the tools to truly change minds and guide decisions. The Ad Council has concrete examples and learnings of how to recruit and leverage these critical voices for social issues like vaccine hesitancy and education and is ready to provide the new playbook for social influence.

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  1. "Influence" has shifted in the past two years and social media stars are no longer most influential
  2. Trust has become local-- the closer you are geographically to someone, the more you tend to trust their POV
  3. Brands, NGOs and marketers need to rethink their strategies when trying to change the minds of consumers and consider a whole new realm of influence



Meg Rushton, VP, Brand and Communications, The Ad Council

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Advertising & Brand Experience
  • Track 2 Culture
  • Level: Intermediate

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