SXSW 2022
CaaS is New Saas in Food and Beverage
The rise of CaaS in food and beverage is being led by shift in consumer demographic in favor of millennials. Curation in this industry is needed as it removes friction from the discovery process, this consumer demographic wants to be able to find better alternatives that align better with their lifestyles. Abundance of choice has made grocery stores anything but convenient, which has led to the rise of curation as a service grocers like Foxtrot, PopUp Grocer and niche marketplaces as well as utility based delivery apps focusing on food and beverage CPG. Curation enhances the overall grocer experience for millennials.
Other Resources / Information
- Defining CaaS: curation as a service
- What does curation look like in food and beverage
- who are the key players and how are they shaping the new landscape
Andrea Hernandez, Founder, Snaxshot
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