SXSW 2022

That's Great, But How Do I Convince My Boss?


It’s one thing to know what your organization should be doing, but that’s not always enough to convince the people who sign the checks. How do you get them on board? In this talk, David Dylan Thomas, author of Design for Cognitive Bias, will talk about the biases that drive organizations to make counterproductive and sometimes unethical choices, and what we can do about it. You’ll come away with a greater understanding of how to fight bias with bias to navigate some of the risk-averse, short-sighted, and poorly-incentivized habits organizations and clients often fall into.

Related Media

Other Resources / Information


  1. How to get folks to take a risk in risk-averse organizations
  2. How to get folks to adopt ideas when just stating the facts isn't enough
  3. How to create metrics that motivate better behavior



David Dylan Thomas, Founder, CEO, David Dylan Thomas, LLC

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Design
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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