Building a Human-centered Education System


We say we want diverse and inclusive citizens and communities. But there is a massive disconnect between what we say we want and what our education system actually provides. Using the short Animate, "Ladder to Nowhere," as a starting point, attendees will examine the worldview shift that birthed the common "factory model" of education and its connection to the racial, social and economic injustice that America confronts today. Together we'll explore what a human-centered education system offers.

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  1. Learn why the two-decade push for educational reform, innovation and the integration of technology have not changed outcomes for young people.
  2. Understand how modern Western Supremacy Culture and White Supremacy Culture are related and why exploring the former enables different conversations.
  3. Explore three characteristics of educational approaches aimed at fostering racial and social justice: interconnected, contextualized and embodied.



Ulcca Joshi Hansen, Chief Program Officer, Grantmakers for Education

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