Changing Girls’ Mindsets on Financial Education


Improving girls’ financial education & literacy in HS is critical to improving America’s gender wage and wealth inequalities, the college debt crisis (which disproportionately affects women) & addressing the demand for greater diversity in the financial industry. We must teach girls to be fiscally confident by familiarizing them with financial terms, exposing them to female role models, teaching them about investing (not just budgets) and opening their eyes to how finance can affect their lives.

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  1. Understand how to make finance more accessible, engaging and practical for high school girls.
  2. Examine and understand the types of tools and programs that are currently available to improve girls’ financial education and literacy.
  3. Discuss how we can counter negative perceptions about math that are culturally ingrained in girls.



Jessica Hill, Marketing Coordinator, Rock The Street, Wall Street

Meta Information:

  • Tags: diversity & inclusion
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Business & Investment
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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